The health benefits of green tea

by newintstudents

Green tea at Realfoods costs me $2.50. But you can get as many refills as you need or want. What’s even better is if you put it in a keep cup and then you can take it everywhere with you and get it refilled everywhere you go.
At the market a pack of this sets you back by $1.
You can also buy a pack of the T2 green teas for about $14-$28. They’re alright but not great.

Green tea is an antioxidant. It can help prevent cancer as well as help you detox. It also hydrates you.
The Japanese have had this for thousands of years and it has helped them to stay slim.

It also keeps you full for longer as it did me.

This is always good to have it with food (if you can)

At the student union on your campus there is always free green tea.